Sunday, May 2, 2010

College Exposure

You know how on college campuses you always seem to be exposed to some odd thing. For some colleges it's a crazy preacher guy, or an enviromentalists waving around a box of kittens. Here at BYU-I things are typically tamer. So this is all we get. It's a video that teaches English while you exercise.. Interesting.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

FHE Picture Scavenger Hunt

Tight Squeeze!

They made us run to the top of the stadium. It looks a lot smaller in the picture.

This jump was lethal. Many a people almost lost their lives shooting this.


Animal Museum... Lots of Rawr/Grr going on.

Reading in the library... This is how I read..

Will You Marry Me?? This is a stranger, but he was awesome. You can kinda see everyone in the background staring at us. That's because that dude on the left with his camera was yelling "WHOA WHOA! LOOK! LOOK AT THIS!" Pretty much a whole ward that wasn't mine got to watch the proposal. He said yes though. I get points for that right??

NCSU-Centennial Campus
