Monday, February 11, 2013

Made me think of my Momma Dearest

Elder M. Russel Ballard gave great advice when he said, "And so, my dear young women, with all my heart I urge you not to look to contemporary culture for your role models and mentors. Please look to your faithful mothers for a pattern to follow. Model yourselves after them, not after celebrities whose standards are not the Lord’s standards and whose values may not reflect an eternal perspective. Look to your mother. Learn from her strengths, her courage, and her faithfulness. Listen to her. She may not be a whiz at texting; she may not even have a Facebook page. But when it comes to matters of the heart and the things of the Lord, she has a wealth of knowledge. As you approach the time for marriage and young motherhood, she will be your greatest source of wisdom. No other person on earth loves you in the same way or is willing to sacrifice as much to encourage you and help you find happiness—in this life and forever.Love your mother, my young sisters. Respect her. Listen to her. Trust her. She has your best interests at heart. She cares about your eternal safety and happiness. So be kind to her. Be patient with her imperfections, for she has them. We all do."

Saturday, November 6, 2010

My New Background

You guys see this new background, right? I know you're seeing it. And you're probably wondering, "How does this completely unrelated background relate to anything in Tiff's life?" Two words my people, "wishful thinking." Run with it.

"Paradigm Shift"...Read Warning before watching...

This is crazy but cool... *CAUTION: Watch with a box of kleenex close by, as this video may cause you to swim in your own tears. But you still gotta watch it.


OK SO.. This is by far the creepest bunny...thing.. I've ever come in contact with.. And that's one of my best friends (Sandra) by "it." ("IT" being the creepy bunny type thing.) This wasn't taken on Halloween.. Like a week after..ish.. So the story is: "It" was chasing us and we ran to the car.. And then we were sitting in the car and we were like..."No one will believe us...".. So we got out of the car and were like "heeey can we get a picture?" And "it" didn't like that but still said "yes." And Sandra was like "Smile." And "it" was like "I AM!!!!!!!".. Not only is "it" ugly, but "it"'s angry too.

"I got super glue in my eye" Parody (Read directions below to see whole video)

For some reason it cuts off half the video, but if you click on the video, it should open another window where you can see the whole video, instead of half of someone's face.

These are some guys at BYUI. Actually met them while in Logan, because they're friends with my cool roommate. They are like video something songwriter majors.. They wrote this song and they made the video about a true story. They are super funny guys, and they think up random stuff to do (like pour cereal all over the floor) out of nowhere, and then they do it while acting serious.. It's talent really.

Friday, June 25, 2010

CHEM-A Balloon vs liquid Nitrogen

This is an example of the ideal gas law.. It's like four or five laws all smooshed into one. When cold, the balloon freezes and shrinks (in little words, that's what happens) then when it gets back to room temperature it starts to expand back to regular size again due the the pressure of the gas from the inside.. Basically, or it just looks cool and that's why it's on here.


Brother Ruebush is way smart. He decided to blow up stuff for us. He filled balloons with Oxygen gas, Hydrogen gas, and then a mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen gases called Hydroxide. Then he lit them on fire with his sweet Chem reaching stick. I've concluded that only the best of the best have Chem reaching sticks.
